Headshot of Tim Jackson wearing a pink jackets, open necked white shirt and glasses. He is smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Tim Jackson BSc. (1st Class)

A solution-focused Data Scientist and experienced leader.



Positive Press (Backend and API)

My BSc Final Year Project. I created a Python API that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyse news headlines and provide a curated feed of news ranked by positivity. This is served by the backend app using FastAPI, and stored in a NoSQL database. The documentation of the endpoints found at the link below is provided using Swagger. There is a consuming frontend app, built in NextJS.

Positive Press (Frontend)

My BSc Final Year Project. I created a web app that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyse news headlines and provide a curated feed of news ranked by positivity. This is the responsive frontend app, built in NextJS to demonstrate the utility of the APIs.

London Fire Brigade Callout Analysis

This report details the start of a project that uses London Fire Brigade callout data for the London Borough of Hounslow to develop an understanding of trends and pose and answer relevant business questions by using data mining techniques.

Iris Classification with Lime Explainability

Using the Iris dataset and two algorithms, k-means clustering and logistic regression this project sets out to use the algorithms to classify the three species of iris contained within the dataset. The project builds a k-means cluster classifier, finding that k=3 is the optimal value for k, and a logistic regression model that provides 98% accuracy. The project also reports on the use of Lime to explain how the regression model made the classification decision.

Kitchen Helper

Quickly convert the units of measurement from one to another, or take a recipe from a website and convert the units of measurement in it. Built using Flask and React.

Simple Nutrition

This site, created for a friend, takes an ingredient as input an returns a list of nutritional values that can be saved in combinations to create meals. This was to support a young mother monitor her child's intake.